onsdag 25. februar 2009

Al Gore's fraud?

Remember Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" from a few years back?

Although the film had a major impact on the worlds climate policies, it also created not so few sceptics as well. Norwegian solar scientist Pål Brekke spoke in the Norwegian technological magazine "Teknisk Ukeblad", about his doubt concerning the movie, stating "Al Gore did not deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize".

He says "Al Gore tampered with facts about the climate issue, magnifying the threat into unreasonable proportions. Continuing, he claims Al Gore to have created a "CO2 Hysteria", absorbing interest and attention that should have been concentrated on other issues as well.

These are some facts Pål Brekke presents in the interview:

- Since the year 2000, the average global temperature has not ascended.
- During the last 8 years, global CO2-emissions have grown 25%.
- 2008 was actually the coldest year so far in this century.

This may seem paradoxical, but the one of the reasons is that the sun's activity is currently at a low-point (the sun's activity varies regularly), and it is now supposed to pick itself up a bit. However, it shows that CO2-emissions may not have such a strong effect on our climate after all.

Brekke says his biggest concern about the future of the world is the danger of neglecting other environmental issues, such as deforestation, as I have posted an article about earlier.

Wether Al Gore deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, or not, I think his film was just what we needed back then. It was still radical to believe that greenhouse gas emissions was a problem, and the film changed the opinion on that matter for the better. But maybe it is time to focus on other issues as well?

Greenhouse gas emissions is an extremely complex issue, not just politically, but technologically. Solving the deforestation problem, on the other hand, does not depend on any technology. If the people want the problem fixed, the politicians will do it!

For those who happen to be able to read Norwegian, here is the article in Teknisk Ukeblad.

Deforestation creates arid surfaces. Water is lost, food production is impossible, and CO2 emissions are enormous. BBC reported that Indonesia is the third largest contributor to worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, mainly caused by deforestation in their rainforest.

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